Wapa | design

Hello! I’m Paola, Wapa is my brand. I have been working in advertising for many years, I started from cartoons to get to the web. I am driven by my strong passion for drawing and colors.

What I do

I consider computer graphics as tool equal to the pencil and very useful to give a fresh new look to your profession or your company, although I still consider the pencil the only tool that puts me in touch between what I feel and what I create.

Graphic design

logos • brochures • catalogs • flyer • business cards • banner • packaging • roll up

web design

Project design (UX Design) • front-end development • html-css WordPress

character design

cartoon characters (character design) • illustrations • comics • animations

Site design and development

I work on graphic design and development on wordpress platform and with code using Bootstrap

Graphic design catalogues - flyers - business cards

I became a graphic designer out of necessity then it became my passion. As a tool to make art a bit difficult at first and then becomes natural.

Character creation

I started as a character designer. Sometimes I can turn a photo into a character and sometimes it’s just what comes out from my pure and healthy need to have a big laugh.

Progettazione e sviluppo siti

lavoro alla progettazione grafica e allos viluppo su piattaforma wordpress e con codice usando Bootstrap

Progettazione grafica cataloghi - volantini - biglietti da visita

Sono diventata grafica per necessità poi è diventata passione. Come uno strumento per fare arte un po’ difficile all’inizio e che poi diventa naturale.

Creazione personaggini

Nasco come disegnatrice di personaggini. Alle volte riesco da una foto a trasformare in personaggio e alle volete vengono fuori solo da una sana voglia di ridere.

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